Utang Na Loob

Written By Lorna on Thursday, October 13, 2011 | 9:27 PM

We Filipinos possess a beautiful tradition, a feeling of deep gratitude for a goodwill or favor--financially or moral support--which we received earlier. It is a tradition of reciprocity, and we call it "Utang Na Loob." It makes us  look forward to an opportunity to express our gratitude and return the favor.
Of course it is never demanded that  we  return the favor immediately.  We,  however become "walang utang na loob" (ingrate) if we do not at all do anything to return the favor especially when an opportunity suddenly comes around.

A Filipino who does not return an "Utang Na Loob" will soon be ostracized  by his society.  His chances of attaining  his goal thus become dimmer. An "Utang Na Loob" is a reciprocal form of attitude. The exchange of favor  between two persons  or between two units of society continue without letup

"Utang Na Loob" promotes cooperation. It results into more  mutual benefits  for the parties or persons  involved. We must be profuse in expressing our gratitude for all the favors or blessings we receive. We must immediately express our gratitude even for the smallest or least significant service or favor given to us. This we must do especially so if it is not possible to  return the favor in kind.

We must say "Thank You!" These two words, or "Maraming Salamat", give joy to the person who has done us good. It  also encourages him to continue doing the same good thing to other people. We will feel happy too, because we have just expressed an appreciation for a good favor given to us.

We also  give thanks to the Lord our God for whatever blessings we've been receiving, or for the goals we have already achieved.

Express gratitude right away, even for least accomplishment. Practice saying "THANK YOU" and express it with sincerity.